Saturday, March 21, 2009


We've got 2 "new" songs we're excited to be playing tomorrow. I say "new" because one of them (Rain Down by Rita Springer), Matt and I introduced to David, ooooh, about a year ago. He said something to the affect of, "I don't like it." So there it has sat, in the archives, for a year. And so the other day, David says, "This song is great! Have you heard it? It's called Rain Down." Let's just say that this is about the 22nd time that this scenario has played out since Jan '08. It's quite hilarious. In fact, the other new song we're doing (From the Inside Out) tomorrow, got the same response the first time we introduced it to David...and Mike wasn't fond (and still isn't fond) of it either. But now it is David's new favorite song. Mike admitted that he likes it a little. Maybe tomorrow he'll like it more. Mike?? Will ya? Huh?? He'll come around...  :)

We're stoked to have Haejin playing with us now. She's our new, can I call her, a "fiddle" player? Or is that something totally different than a violinist? Hmmmm. I'll ask her maƱana. Regardless, she's amazing!

I'm glad to be back and playing tomorrow. Scouter was sick last week so I had to leave church early and had to miss playing. The Carters are ready for NO MORE SICKYNESS!! We've had a run of it this season, it has seemed. Probably no more than anyone else, but have mercy! Come on SUMMER!!! HAHA 

I haven't posted since D-Now weekend, but I must say that we had a blast hanging out with the kids and getting to play for them Friday night and Saturday. It was a blast! Thanks guys, for letting us hang out with y'all! You guys are super.

Aighty, this Carter needs to do some laundry. What a way to ring in a Saturday night. Jeepers.

See you Sunday.

- Carla

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beats a stylus and papyrus!

Unbelieveable! I am actually writing on a blog! There's a first time for everything.

I can't express how fulfilling it is to play in the "David Kay Band". Not sure about the name, but the effect is still the same. It has almost been a full year. I remember when I was first approached about playing. Like with anything, you immediately think of all the time involved and whether or not you can handle yet another responsibility. This was different though. I prayed about it and asked God if it was in His will to make it all work out. He apparently had no problems or reservations about it. Each and every practice and Sunday service, it just works!

Yes, it was rather odd at first to play distorted guitar in a church service, but seeing the congregation worship in song is very rewarding. Just like writing with a stylus on papyrus or on a blog, traditional and contemporary music are both viable modes of worship.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

. another newbie

We're bringing a new song tomorrow and I can't wait. It's called "How He Loves", by John Mark McMillan. Just a's a line or so...

He is jealous for me
Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy

We, no doubt, can ever capture with words the vastness and depth of God's love...but JMM does an amazing job at his attempt. 

Can't wait to see if y'all will like it. I have no doubt that you will. See you tomorrow!


Monday, January 19, 2009

.Sunday 01.18.09

We're stoked to have Melissa in the band now! She has added a great layer with her harmony and 2nd lead. Whoohoo! 

We tried a new song out Sunday and boy, did we have a blast! I think everyone did as I looked out in the crowd. It's so uplifting to look out and see people worshipping...and see them worshipping AND joyful. I am sure there were hundreds of "joyful noises" made unto the Lord yesterday. The new song was actually somewhat of an old one...and I have to admit that I wasn't thrilled when David told me we were doing it. I always tease him about his throwbacks to the "oldies". But I hadn't heard Big Daddy Weave's version. Wow. Super. Good pick, David. :-)

The songs yesterday were:
Worthy of My Praise (Jeremy Camp)
God In Me (Daniel Doss Band)
Yahweh/Signature of Divine (NeedtoBreathe)
Fields of Grace (Big Daddy Weave)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

.Sunday 01.11.09

The auditorium was packed this was great to look out and see so many people there to worship our Great God. Ralph continued the study of Proverbs. This morning was about anger...about reigning it in. Prov 14 - 19ish.

The songs we did today were...
Beautiful One (Jeremy Camp)
Home (Chris Daughtry with a lil' lyric alteration by David Kay..haha)
Love is Here (Tenth Avenue North)
Pull Me Out (Bebo Norman)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

.First official post!

Hey everybody!
We're finally getting with the program and starting a blog! A lot of you ask us from time to time, "Hey, was was that song that we sang Sunday that went 'lalalalaaaaa'", so we're going to start posting our set list here...among other things. Not sure what those things are yet, but I'm sure we can come up with some David Kay stories or something to fill up blog land. Stay tuned! See you Sunday!